I used to love games like Blake Stone and Wolfenstein, but then the games started getting crazy with way to many control and functions to remember. When I read in one of my newsletters this morning that there is a site with games for people like me, I signed up! The site is called
Kongregate (and yes, that's a referral link, so I can get points or something if you use it when you sign up). I don't often have time to play a lot of games but sometimes I just need to space out and unwind, and this looks like a good place to do it.
Next is the upcoming 3-day weekend. I'm really looking forward to spending good family time each day, although we don't have plans for Monday yet...but both Pete and I are off work all 3 days. Tomorrow we'll see his son and family, including his 2 grandchildren. We don't see them often enough so it will be a real treat! And we'll do some thrift store shopping as well, something we always enjoy! Even when we don't buy, we love looking. Sunday is always a great day, with church and then time with my mom. Maybe we'll go to the lake for a picnic or something, I think that would be fun.
Also coming up this week will be having dinner with some relatives that we don't often see, my mom's sister, brother-in-law, neice, and her husband (my aunt/uncle/cousin-husband). We haven't seen them in several years, and I know my mom is REALLY looking forward to it (when she's reminded about it), as am I!
I'll also be spending a couple of days downstate with my sister and her family this week, which is always fun (I can do my job anywhere I have internet access!), and I'm hoping for lots of Casey and Leelan time too!
Lastly, I'm hoping to twist my husband's arm to make us some great brats on the grill today...so I'd better go get started with that...