Today Pete installed the Hava system that we got about a month ago. We knew we were going to be rearranging furniture at some point - thought it would be sooner than this - so he waited.
End result: a few minutes ago I was watching Diners Drive-ins & Dives on the TV, on Nellie, and on N8. All at the same time. I've since turned off the TV and closed down the Hava app here on Nellie...but I did that for a few minutes. Just because I could. Heck I can foresee a time when we rarely even turn the TV on - it probably uses most electricity than the Hava box and our N810's or laptops combined, so it will be good for our electric bill too! Speaking of bills, it's also cheaper than Netflix - including the box!
Why we got Hava: I don't fall asleep early in the evening. I'm an owl but I'm married to a lark. I hate going to bed and staring at the ceiling for hours, if I go to bed with Pete, but I dread that time every night when he disappears and here I sit. So I wanted to be able to go to bed with him but still watch my HGTV and Food Network and Discovery Health shows that I like to watch at night. Now, I can, on N8. He can access our satellite box via the Hava box.
Another reason: when I'm online in the van while Pete drives, there's only so much I can do. Being able to watch TV will be something I can do on Nellie while on the road, in waiting rooms (we spend a lot of time in waiting rooms between the 2 of us!), etc.
A 3rd reason is that often one of us wants to watch the TV when the other one doesn't, or sometimes the TV is just too much noise when I'm trying to think about something else, or take bug calls, or whatever. Now, no longer an issue!
Plus, it's cool.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Still Hard At Work
Yesterday was a great day, with my DD and her friend Andrew rearranging the living room for me. I have always rearranged every few months - 4-5 times a year - because I get bored easily, and because when you share your space with 10 parrots (even more in the past) it doesn't matter how well you do your cleaning, you will find stuff everywhere once you move your furniture. Plus, in my home there are windows all along the south-facing wall, making it a great place for parrot cages in the winter. But in the summer, they go to the other side of the room where there is a north-facing alcove area with windows. In the summer they are still part of our living space but more out of the way and, of course, out of the sun. They were late getting moved this spring because I simply couldn't do it. In fact, due to health issues, I hadn't rearranged since probably October. You can only imagine the amount of cleaning that had to be done! But the kids were great and got the job done in just a couple of hours.
So today I'm doing all the little stuff, the 2nd day stuff, the lighter stuff that I'm still sometimes capable of doing, like arranging the lamps and small pieces and improving the livability of the new arrangement. Not a big deal but is still causing a lot of pain and, after the first hour, I'm wiped. Was going to try and get through the day without any pain pills but I see now that will be impossible, if I want to do anything at all - and I do! But the job will be done in a few hours and I will have great satisfaction, so it will definitely be worth it and I know I will be happy with the final result. It always feels so comfortable and homey after a good cleaning and a change, and this time will be no different! These times are the highlight of my year, as a homemaker :).
So - break is over - back to work!
So today I'm doing all the little stuff, the 2nd day stuff, the lighter stuff that I'm still sometimes capable of doing, like arranging the lamps and small pieces and improving the livability of the new arrangement. Not a big deal but is still causing a lot of pain and, after the first hour, I'm wiped. Was going to try and get through the day without any pain pills but I see now that will be impossible, if I want to do anything at all - and I do! But the job will be done in a few hours and I will have great satisfaction, so it will definitely be worth it and I know I will be happy with the final result. It always feels so comfortable and homey after a good cleaning and a change, and this time will be no different! These times are the highlight of my year, as a homemaker :).
So - break is over - back to work!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Feeling Better, and Vlogging?
Go figure, I woke up without the pain that has kept me drugged and in my recliner the last couple of days. I know people are praying for me, and God is answering :). Of course, even if I was still hurting, I'd know He was answering too, it just might not be the same answer as He's given for today! So I woke up with back spasms that a hot shower and couple of pills got rid of, and it's a perfectly lovely sunny UpNorth day, I'm able to sit up at the table out in my sunroom and enjoy the perfect weather and watch the squirrels and chipmunks and birds while I work, and contemplate my blessings.
Next subject: video blogging, which apparently is called vlogging by the cool people. I've thought about doing it in the past but now that I have Nellie
with her built-in mic and camera, it may actually happen. I'm not even sure what I might talk about - maybe do a demo or cooking video for my low-carb blog, or introduce my dogs and/or parrots, or do a demo of my keyboards, or...? I might even just talk :). But it is a new frontier that I haven't yet explored and it might be fun to do so now! (Isn't it nice how I say that as if I have loads of extra time? lol!) If you have any suggestions or advice I'd be happy to hear them too - if you'd rather email.
So those are my thoughts for today. And since I feel almost normal today, I'm going to go clean bird cages, wash dishes, and do laundry in between my bug calls!
Next subject: video blogging, which apparently is called vlogging by the cool people. I've thought about doing it in the past but now that I have Nellie
So those are my thoughts for today. And since I feel almost normal today, I'm going to go clean bird cages, wash dishes, and do laundry in between my bug calls!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Another Whine - Feel Free to Ignore
Yesterday was maybe one of my best days ever, since this health issue started a couple of months ago...and today it just about my worst.
I woke up in pain with that big bulging area above my waist in full display, my legs painful and heavy (and even my hips, today - so hard to walk) appetite, upset stomach, pain all the way around my middle...I did everything "right" yesterday. Small lunch early afternoon. A couple of nibbles late afternoon (literally - like 3 bites) and that's all I ate. Didn't do anything physically stressful, as that increases my belly pain (and size!).
I hate to do it but will take a heavy-duty pain pill and hopefully get at least a little relief. I hate that my husband has to come home from a hard day at work to a wife that is all but useless or even worse, a is days like these that I really need to get my mind and heart focused on Christ, even though it is also days like these that that is the hardest thing to do. Living a life of praise is sometimes very very hard.
I woke up in pain with that big bulging area above my waist in full display, my legs painful and heavy (and even my hips, today - so hard to walk) appetite, upset stomach, pain all the way around my middle...I did everything "right" yesterday. Small lunch early afternoon. A couple of nibbles late afternoon (literally - like 3 bites) and that's all I ate. Didn't do anything physically stressful, as that increases my belly pain (and size!).
I hate to do it but will take a heavy-duty pain pill and hopefully get at least a little relief. I hate that my husband has to come home from a hard day at work to a wife that is all but useless or even worse, a is days like these that I really need to get my mind and heart focused on Christ, even though it is also days like these that that is the hardest thing to do. Living a life of praise is sometimes very very hard.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Videos at #Church
The last few weeks our pastor has been showing us George Otis, Jr's Transformations
video, one "town" at a time for 4 weeks.
Watching this with my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have been in awe at the mighty work of God's hand in these towns. I am sure that our pastor didn't choose this video lightly, and that he did his own "homework" before showing them.
So after being inspired by the stories in these videos, this morning I set about to do some research into the stories of these towns and, hopefully, others like them. It was rather disconcerting, therefore when the first google "hit" I got was an opinion piece (which I realize by definition is, er, opinion and not fact). I read it through and, while I recognized a few valid points, I don't believe that any producer of inspirational videos can include every detail of a town's transformation the took place over a period of years, into the space of 10 minutes. That every detail wasn't included certainly isn't a reason to dismiss the accuracy of the films, at least in my mind.
The author does bring up an issue that isn't necessarily only specific to this film but that has been a concern of mine for years: that we control God. All we have to do is follow this magic formula, and Abracadabra! We have the result. Like mixing vinegar and baking soda, we're guaranteed a foaming response. There is a difference between answered prayer and God turning over His sovereignty to us, to get the desired result by following certain steps. I believe we must guard continually against this mindset, no matter what. However, I didn't necessarily see evidence of this in the video. I saw people praying for their towns, praying for their families, friends, and neighbors, and God responding in His mercy. I saw Christians using God's power to overcome evil, and the results affected their towns in amazing ways. I don't believe there is anything unbiblical about that. (Think Ephesus, Phillipi, Colossae, Galatia, etc.)
Another of the criticisms put forth by Ms. Barczynska refers to the manner in which the redeemed praised God. I'm not sure if it is the sticks or the festival atmosphere that has put her off exactly. But I know when I praise God, dancing, waving my hands (in some cultures I can imagine extending my arms by the use of sticks), and celebrating with fellow believers who share a joy that is too great for quieter expression doesn't seem at all unreasonable to me. When one sees their own town going from sin and despair to faith and hope as the result of God's mighty working in their midst, I would frankly be shocked if there wasn't dancing in the streets!
There are quite a few other little details that Ms. Barczynska picks at, such as her reasons for the size of the vegetables in Almolonga, that they only mentioned the effects on Mama Jane who was only one of many witches in Kiambu, etc. Again, it would be impossible to mention the fates of hundreds of witches in a 10-minute segment or to give a discourse on cultural history and interpretations or agricultural anomalies.
It is a long opinion piece, and I don't have the time or, frankly, the interest to discuss each of her many points - especially since most of them read like they were written by someone to explain away the powerful works of God and our responsibility as Christians to do the work to further His kingdom. Frankly, it read like a bunch of excuses to me.
This doesn't mean that she doesn't bring up some valid general concerns of which we need to be mindful, such as the sovereignty of God (as I mentioned earlier), His desire to answer our prayers when we pray within - and for - His will (James 5:16), the fruits of professing Christians (Mt.7:16), the name of Jesus above all names, and the fact that we, as soldiers of the cross (2Tim.2:3), are engaged in powerful spiritual battles (Eph.6:12). (And these references barely scratch the surface of our responsibilities, God's power, and the spiritual battles that every Christian must face on earth - or the Biblical references to them!)
Given all of this, I believe that this video is an amazing display of God's unleashing His power to accomplish His purposes "on earth as it is in heaven" and how the prayers of righteous men availeth much! It can also open the eyes of each of us as Christians as to how God can use us to proclaim the name of Christ throughout the nations (Mt.28:19) to bring down strongholds (2.Cor.10:4-5) remembering that the Spirit of Christ, Who indwells every believer, is greater than the one who is in the world (1Jn.4:4).
Watching this with my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have been in awe at the mighty work of God's hand in these towns. I am sure that our pastor didn't choose this video lightly, and that he did his own "homework" before showing them.
So after being inspired by the stories in these videos, this morning I set about to do some research into the stories of these towns and, hopefully, others like them. It was rather disconcerting, therefore when the first google "hit" I got was an opinion piece (which I realize by definition is, er, opinion and not fact). I read it through and, while I recognized a few valid points, I don't believe that any producer of inspirational videos can include every detail of a town's transformation the took place over a period of years, into the space of 10 minutes. That every detail wasn't included certainly isn't a reason to dismiss the accuracy of the films, at least in my mind.
The author does bring up an issue that isn't necessarily only specific to this film but that has been a concern of mine for years: that we control God. All we have to do is follow this magic formula, and Abracadabra! We have the result. Like mixing vinegar and baking soda, we're guaranteed a foaming response. There is a difference between answered prayer and God turning over His sovereignty to us, to get the desired result by following certain steps. I believe we must guard continually against this mindset, no matter what. However, I didn't necessarily see evidence of this in the video. I saw people praying for their towns, praying for their families, friends, and neighbors, and God responding in His mercy. I saw Christians using God's power to overcome evil, and the results affected their towns in amazing ways. I don't believe there is anything unbiblical about that. (Think Ephesus, Phillipi, Colossae, Galatia, etc.)
Another of the criticisms put forth by Ms. Barczynska refers to the manner in which the redeemed praised God. I'm not sure if it is the sticks or the festival atmosphere that has put her off exactly. But I know when I praise God, dancing, waving my hands (in some cultures I can imagine extending my arms by the use of sticks), and celebrating with fellow believers who share a joy that is too great for quieter expression doesn't seem at all unreasonable to me. When one sees their own town going from sin and despair to faith and hope as the result of God's mighty working in their midst, I would frankly be shocked if there wasn't dancing in the streets!
There are quite a few other little details that Ms. Barczynska picks at, such as her reasons for the size of the vegetables in Almolonga, that they only mentioned the effects on Mama Jane who was only one of many witches in Kiambu, etc. Again, it would be impossible to mention the fates of hundreds of witches in a 10-minute segment or to give a discourse on cultural history and interpretations or agricultural anomalies.
It is a long opinion piece, and I don't have the time or, frankly, the interest to discuss each of her many points - especially since most of them read like they were written by someone to explain away the powerful works of God and our responsibility as Christians to do the work to further His kingdom. Frankly, it read like a bunch of excuses to me.
This doesn't mean that she doesn't bring up some valid general concerns of which we need to be mindful, such as the sovereignty of God (as I mentioned earlier), His desire to answer our prayers when we pray within - and for - His will (James 5:16), the fruits of professing Christians (Mt.7:16), the name of Jesus above all names, and the fact that we, as soldiers of the cross (2Tim.2:3), are engaged in powerful spiritual battles (Eph.6:12). (And these references barely scratch the surface of our responsibilities, God's power, and the spiritual battles that every Christian must face on earth - or the Biblical references to them!)
Given all of this, I believe that this video is an amazing display of God's unleashing His power to accomplish His purposes "on earth as it is in heaven" and how the prayers of righteous men availeth much! It can also open the eyes of each of us as Christians as to how God can use us to proclaim the name of Christ throughout the nations (Mt.28:19) to bring down strongholds (2.Cor.10:4-5) remembering that the Spirit of Christ, Who indwells every believer, is greater than the one who is in the world (1Jn.4:4).
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Just Sayin'...
Yesterday I ate supper - a moderate meal, not large by any means - at 4:00 in the afternoon.
At 2:45 this morning it returned for an encore. Nearly 11 hours after eating it.
I should have just had a half-cup of oatmeal with isotopes and a glass of water I guess.
Just sayin'...
At 2:45 this morning it returned for an encore. Nearly 11 hours after eating it.
I should have just had a half-cup of oatmeal with isotopes and a glass of water I guess.
Just sayin'...
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