Sunday, August 7, 2011

This is SO POWERFUL, and SUCH A #BLESSING, that I had to clip the whole thing today! #Bible THANK YOU #JESUS! I can't even imagine such love...

Amplify’d from

Lazaroo – Sunday, August 7, 2011

Aug 07, 2011
I Lazaroo.


Celebrate aloud the words of this Lazaroo!

“Christ Jesus…has destroyed death…”

(2 Timothy 1:10)

It doesn’t get any bigger than this, Jesus.

You beat the big one.

But You did it by letting it beat You.

I didn’t see that coming.

Nobody did.

Not the prophets of old

not the apostles You chose while You walked this earth

not the angels in heaven

and certainly not Satan.

To say Your death was counterintuitive

is the understatement of the ages.

To win, you usually have to beat the other guy.

If he beats you, you lose.

That’s why Satan worked so hard to kill You.

But the moment You breathed Your last

Satan lost.


So why does Satan work so hard to destroy me?

Didn’t he learn anything from his battle with You?

Doesn’t he understand that the moment I die to myself

and put all my hope in You

he’s lost me?


Apparently not.


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