Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Saving Water

No, I haven't bought into the global warming religion, and I haven't turned green :). I'm not out to save the planet, God has it in His very capable hands. I respect it, but don't take responsibility for it. When I save anything, it is money. And right now I'm trying to save BIG money.

Our drain field is failing. I guess after nearly 40 years of faithful service, it is time. We're talking big expense here, however I'm going to try to "nurse" it through the winter, at least, and until I start working again next spring to pay for a new one, or at least to have this one fractured to give it a little more life.

In trying to save water, I've made the following changes:

Laundry gets done in as little water as possible that will still get the clothes clean. We have 5 settings on our washer, and what would have been a full load in my last washer is now a medium load in this one. But since I can do up to 3 former loads in one, using the new machine, that's what I do. I sort differently (Do blues and greens REALLY need to be washed separately?) and can get 8 loads done in 3 now. And no more 2nd rinse for the underwear! (Using the laundromat isn't something I want to consider unless I have to...which I may...)

When I wash dishes, I no longer leave the rinse water running. I use a big plastic tub for washing, and one for rinsing. The resulting gray water is poured harmlessly outside rather than down the drain.

Flushing: Someone I know had a sign just above the TP in her bathroom: "Oney? Leave it Honey! Two-ey? Flush that Poo-ey!" Need I say more?

When I shower, I no longer stand under the water, then let it run while I soap up, then get back under to rinse. I fill my sink with water and lather up while standing on a towel (and found that I get just as clean applying soap to dry skin - it just doesn't lather!), then turn the shower on and get under for a rinse that takes maybe a minute, if that.

I'm sure we have reduced our water output to the drain field by half. And hopefully that will be enough to buy us some time to save up for the next one.

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