Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Though I no longer post here, my current blog (June, 2020 -> current) can be found HERE The other blog I will be keeping here is My Nissen Fundoplication Experience Please update your RSS feed or bookmarks. Thank you :).


  1. TRecounru for your wonderful recount of your nissen wrap surgery. I had the same done 3 weeks ago and have been doing well...except for a tightness in breathing that no one seems to be able to understand. I was searching online and came across your blog. Could you tell me how long it took to subside and if you ever found out why it was happening? Thank you so much. Lee

  2. It was deemed part of the healing process of my diaphragm, and the nerves connected to it. It was gone just past a month post op, if I remember correctly?

    There are so many strange and seemingly unconnected things that go along with NF recovery, I think I've heard them all (mostly in the Nissen Fundoplication Facebook group), but there are always new ones it seems :).

    Thanks for your note and wishing you the best!

  3. Thank you so much for your reply and the info. I really appreciate it!
