I ordered this last week, and it arrived yesterday, just in time to use on the trip to Midland and back for my appointment!
Now that I have Nellie
So I ordered this little finger trackball and instantly life on the road got easier! By the time we hit the expressway I was a'trackin' and a'clickin' like nobody's business. VERY easy to get used to, and so much easier that I'm using it all the time now.
I see that it hasn't gotten good reviews by previous users, and since I've been using it less than 24 hours I am sure that my experiences will be the same: it appears that it wears out fairly easily and isn't built to last. But I like it so much that I will always keep a spare on hand; the thought of using a mouse now doesn't thrill me.
The few people who have seen this, and seen how easy it is to use, have expressed a wish to have one for themselves. I'm tempted to buy a dozen or so, just for when someone tells me they want one - I can whip one out and they can buy it from me, on the spot! (If'n I were a rich woman I'd give them away...just so you know I'm not greedy or anything.)
Anyway, lovin' this little gadget!
That's similar to the one my mom uses with her desktop. She loves it! She's had hers for years.