Saturday, October 17, 2009

Everybody says...

...this is what's going around now. You feel fine one minute, and within an hour you're flat-out SICK! That's what hit me yesterday. After work yesterday Pete and I left for our Friday night date night, the weekly AYCE fish fry. Sometime between the front door and the van I started to get a little sore throat. By the time we got there - some 15 minutes later - it was a full-blown sore throat. As we were eating I could feel my throat swelling, and the body aches started, along with a low-grade fever. On the way home I started with the chills.

Today I'm miserable. And I make a lousy patient, whining and complaining and moaning and whinging all the time...hey, I've always been one to share my feelings!

But I was to babysit my sweet grandson while my daughter was at work today. I am the built-in babysitter with her living here, but it still feels like my times with him are too few and far between, given that his grampa has claimed Fridays, Casey gets 2 days off each week, and she likes him to go to day care (because he loves going there to play with the other kids) one day a week...that doesn't leave many gramma days, as we call my babysitting time. Yes, he lives here so I see him all the time, but of course when his mommy is here, I stay out of the picture and let them have their time together...

Anyway, later today I'm having to give up one of my 3 babysitting days this week. I'm watching him play right now, while he watches the Saturday morning cartoons (I wish the Christian stations had cartoons every day, they have great messages for little kids!), wanting to cuddle with him but of course, being so sick...

Which brings us back to my own misery! My throat is swollen and hurts to swallow...every joint and muscle in my body aches...I have no energy...whine...complain...moan...whinge...

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