Saturday, November 27, 2010

#Toddler Internet Sites (found for my almost-20MO grandson) #Christian

(NOTE: If you are seeing this on Facebook, please click below to see the entire post or go to my blog itself. I don't always make my point in the first paragraph, which is all that shows up on my Facebook page. I mean, if you actually want to see it all :).)

My grandson Leelan, who lives with us, enjoys watching videos online. I will post links to the playlists I have made for him, plus add websites that he either enjoys now, or I think he will enjoy once I get a chance to show him.

One thing: I don't push internet on him. It is more important for him to play with toys, use his imagination, run around, get exercise and fresh air, and learn to enjoy quiet times of peace within his own little self. I don't want him to be a child (or adult, eventually) who feels they must have constant input, constant sensory stimulation, and who has no idea what it means to just be still, feel peace, pray and quietly listen for God's still, small voice. It is more important that he can fall asleep when it is quiet, study without music blasting, and meditate on himself, other people, the world around him, God, and his relationship to them all. Internet, television, video games - these all prevent him from developing the most important ability of all, which is the ability to "Be still, and know that I am God." Very few children can just "be still" these days...

OK, that said, during those times when he has internet time, I want it to mean something or teach him something along with entertaining him and stimulating his senses. Hence this list.

YouTube playlists I have made up for him:
Leelan, Leelan2, and Leelan3 - collections of songs that he likes and of which I approve.
Singalongs - Some singalong songs with children playing and dancing as they sing
Bedtime - Calming songs and lullabies that he watches while we cuddle together in the evenings, to prepare him for sleep
Christmas - Toddler-appropriate songs about Christ's birth and what Christmas is about.

Smile of a Child TV - A WONDERFUL streaming channel for young children with great, entertaining, endearing Christian programming.

Booples - LEELAN LOVES THESE! Actually when he was just an infant, the Booples videos held his attention and he actually would move to their songs from an incredibly early age. Then he seemed to lose interest when he was about 7-8 months old. It's only in the last month or 2 that his interest has been reignited, and he can't get enough! So he watches here, and also has 2 DVDs.

Storyline Online - Made by the Screen Actors Guild, these are secular stories, read by SAG members.
Children's Storybook Online - Another secular site, but the parent reads the books to their child. A good selection of stories here!

These are the sites that I am currently using the most. Of course the websites for children are so numerous they couldn't possibly be listed here (or anywhere), but not all are suitable for all children. I choose mostly Christian-based sites, obviously, as there are no more important lessons for a child to learn than those of kindness, morality, love, and God's care for all of us. But secular sites can have their place if they don't have teachings that are contrary to God's Word, and teach good values as well.

I may revisit this topic in the future but as of today, these are the most popular sites in our home :).

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