Monday, June 18, 2012

A Dream I Had

Last night I had a vivid dream. I rarely remember my dreams, if I have them at all, and even when I do remember, they typically fade from memory within minutes of waking up. This dream, though, didn't feel like a dream when I was in it, and I remember it now, nearly 3 hours after I got up.

In this dream there was a young woman, and she was laughing at my faith in God, laughing at the things of Him, and I said, "Get thee behind me Satan!" Then in her place appeared a man with wild eyes, almost yellow eyes, wearing a black shirt with a black hood. What I could see of his hair was dark and wild, and he was scornfully laughing at me. I knew that he was telling me (without words) that I had no power to send the devil out of this girl, or to get him to leave her alone. As mean as he was, though, I had no fear whatsoever. I looked at him steadily and said, "I have no need to fear you, I belong to Jesus and He has overcome evil and death! You have no power over me and you cannot harm me! IN THE NAME OF JESUS, LEAVE ME ALONE!" and he instantly disappeared. I wasn't surprised in my dream, I just took it as a matter of fact - it was as expected and normal as flipping a switch and the lamp turning on. There was no sense of "WOW, that was really something!"

Then as I was reading one of my devotions this morning, I started to cry. This is the devotion. I started reading it and found it interesting...then as I got down to the 2nd half of it, I saw that girl from my dream and it was my daughter Casey. It isn't my place to share her life here, but I will say that my heart has been burdened for her for a long time. I have been praying for God to put people in her path who know Him and will share Him, for her to have an awareness of God in her own heart, for Him to speak to her and call her...some prayers of anguish and grief, some pleading prayers, but never have I said what I say now: