Friday, June 11, 2010

My Greatest Life Lesson

There's a lot in my head that will never again see the light of day. Why? Because people tell me things - lots of things - because they know I'm not a gossip. What others tell me is still theirs, and therefore not mine to spread around. Doesn't matter if it is "secret" information; to me, it is all "secret" as far as I'm concerned.

So - the Greatest Life Lesson? Keep your mouth shut. Just because you know something doesn't mean that you should tell everybody - or even anybody. Often, nobody cares. And other times, seemingly minor things can cause major problems. But mostly, as I said earlier, when someone shares something with you they aren't automatically granting you the rights to it - including the right to share it elsewhere.

While on the subject, then 2nd greatest life lesson is that listening is a gift; talking is an intrusion. Just shut up and listen. Most people are desperate for a listening, caring ear. They don't care about your opinions and often not even about your similar experiences. They just want someone to care enough to listen. If it is important enough for them to want to share, it is important enough for your undivided, considerate, thoughtful attention. You will know when your input is wanted, because it will be requested. Otherwise, you can't go wrong by listening.

I don't care who you are, if I don't see evidence that these lessons aren't part of your life, I won't tell you anything important. I will keep my things to myself, close to my own heart, and you won't have the privilege of sharing them with me. That's just how it is.

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