Tuesday, April 6, 2010

#Easter vs. Easter

For some reason, this year Easter was different for me. Easter didn't mean Easter. I will try to explain...

Whenever I hear the word "Easter" the Holy Spirit quickens in my heart. He reminds me Who Easter is about, and why the day is so significant in the lives of Christians. I just love the celebration of the ultimate victory - the victory over death - that Christ provided to those who will follow Him. There is, really, no greater fear, no greater life-changing event, than death, is there? And to have VICTORY OVER DEATH - well, it nearly boggles the imagination! If you don't really understand it, imagine the tightest football game you've ever attended...the last few seconds and the score is tied, right through to the very last second - then your team scores for the win. Jumping out of your seat, yelling at the top of your lungs...that is the thrill of victory. But it's just a game. Just a little game that, in a few short years, will have absolutely no significance in the grand scheme of life.

But death...death is another story. Victory over death...WOW! We don't have to die! All of my sins - everything I've ever done or ever will do that offends God - were all heaped on the back of the Sinless One, not on mine.

I've heard this described in various ways, most commonly as a book listing every sin in my life. When I leave this earth and come into judgment, and that book is opened by God Himself...all He will see when he looks at those pages is Christ's blood, covering every evidence of the words that had been written there. God won't see my sin - He will only see Christ's blood, covering it...

Another description has been the ledger, where so much is owed that I couldn't possibly repay it, ever. And Christ does. When the book is opened, the balance is 0.

But perhaps the most meaningful in my own heart is the fire. My sins (and those of everyone else in the world) written on stacks of sheets of paper. When I take Christ's work into my own life, those stacks are tossed into that fire. When I look into it, I see not only the pages curling up and burning bright as they turn to ash...I'm seeing my Savior's face, His tortured face, enduring the incredible pain and suffering as He did on earth - not in the fire, but at the hands of the people He loved so much. That degree of suffering - that amount of unbearable torture - just so that my sins can be thrown into that fire and destroyed...because He delights in His children, and wants us to be with Him for all eternity.

There is no fear of death, death has now been conquered when Jesus Himself - the Creator of all that is - rose from its grip and came out of that cold hard tomb. THAT is victory!

With all of this living in my heart, and being at the forefront of my deepest thoughts during the Easter season especially, I am so saddened by the Easter that I see all around me. Bunnies and eggs, painted baby butts in emails, chocolates and hams...is this REALLY all that Easter has become? Is this really all the world has to celebrate? Does this really have meaning to people?

You can have your bunnies and chicks, your baskets and bonnets...I will celebrate my risen Savior who loves me so much that He willingly was tortured, ridiculed, rejected, and killed in the most painful and horrendous way possible - just so that I no longer need fear death, and can spend eternity with Him.


  1. This Easter has been much different for me as well. Knowing in my heart that Jesus rose from the dead is even different than other Easter's. Maybe it is because this world is in such turmoil. So much evil at all levels from our President on down. All the lies and liars. All the earthquakes. All the temptations being shoved into our faces from all areas such as TV (shows and advertising), movies of desires and terrors, music that corrupts down even to the soul, the children who so desire to be adults, the immorality of doing what feels good now regardless of the consequences later and so much more have grown more and more powerful and frequent day by day. The future of this country and this world are questionable at best. Wars and rumors of war, fear of our country's financial collapse, no jobs, and so much more give rise to great fears. A division of people over politics, over the direction of this country and mostly over God and His Word even within churches against churches, rise of false prophets is happening and will continue. I am not prophesying just stating what the Bible does say. But through all the doom and gloom from rumors, media and just plain liars, it is a solid foundation I have in Jesus. He has overcome death. He has overcome temptations. He has the keys to the kingdom of Heaven and the keys to hell. Jesus sits at the right hand of God, our Father, and by the word of his power He holds all things together. He is THE Conqueror. He is KING of kings, LORD of lords. Through Him, we are more than conquerors. We do not fear death. Death could not hold Jesus. It cannot hold us. No one and nothing can take us from the hand of our Father. We belong to Jesus..the ransom paid in full for our deliverance by His Atoning Blood.
    The fears of this world don't matter. Why? Because we who are in Christ are not of this world. Even though this world shall pass away we will live on with Jesus, our Father and with the Holy Spirit and all the Heavenly Hosts. I fear not what man can do to me. Man can take my body but never can man keep me from God. Man cannot take my spirit...it belongs to Jesus.
    People can hate God, hate Jesus, hate the Bible and even hate me for believing in Jesus but it changes nothing...God is still God, Jesus is alive, the Word of God is still the Truth whether one accepts it or not and I will continue to believe in the One and Only God who is I AM.

    All that gives me reassurance and hope. I pray others will come to the same point in their lives and those who don't I can only say I am sorry your heart is hardened against God.

  2. Amen...All works is finished In The Cross just fulfillment now to all that believe...

  3. Facebook | Jeffrey W. Lyon ~ "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and have courage.

